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sickle cell crisis | sickle cell anemia

Autoimmune disorder

Auto immune disorder Introduction The immune system is a collection of special cells and chemicals that fight infection-causing agents such as bacteria and viruses. An autoimmune disorder occurs when a person's immune system mistakenly attacks their own body tissues. Autoimmune disorders are broadly grouped into two categories –  'organ-specific'  means one organ is affected, while in  'non-organ-specific'  disorders, multiple organs or body systems may be affected. There are  around 80 different autoimmune  disorders ranging in severity from mild to disabling, depending on which system of the body is under attack and to what degree. For unknown reasons, women are more susceptible than men, particularly during their childbearing years. It is thought that sex hormones may be at least partly responsible. There is generally no cure, but the symptoms of autoimmune disorders can be managed. Risk factors for autoimmune disorders The exact causes

Parkinson's disease | Mohammad Ali the great boxer | Parkinsonism | world's parkinson day | 11 April | disorder of basal ganglia

[Parkinson's disease]- Parkinsonism Paralysis agitans Discoveror- James Parkinson. World parkinson day- 11 april * Mohammad Ali (the great boxer) is affected by this disease because of repeated blows he might have received on head that results in damage of brain cells which produces dopamine. • it is a disorder of basal ganglia. • it is a slowly progressive degenerative disease of nervous system associated with destruction of dopamine producing brain cells. CAUSES OF PARKINSON DISEASE- • it occurs due to lack of dopamine by damage of basal ganglia. • mostly due to destruction of substantia nigra and nigrostriatal pathway because they have dopaminergic fibers. > Damage of basal ganglia occurs because of followings- a. Injury to basal ganglia. b. Viral infections of brain (encephalitis) c. Cerebral arteriosclerosis d. Drug induced Parkinsonism Destruction or removal of dopamine in basal ganglia due to long term treatment with antihypertensive drugs like re

Addison disease | adrenal crisis | adrenal Insufficiency | addisonian crisis | skin pigmentation

ADDISON DISEASE - Chronic adrenal insufficiency • if adrenal cortex fails to secrete corticosteroids it is known as addison disease.   TYPES OF ADDISON DISEASE 3types 1. Primary addison disease 2. Secondary addison disease 3. Nursery addison disease 1. Primary addison disease It occurs due to adrenal cause. 2. Secondary addison disease It occurs due to failure of anterior pituitary to secrete ACTH. 3. Tertiary addison disease it occurs due to failure of hypothalamus to secrete corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) CAUSES OF PRIMARY ADDISON DISEASE a. Destruction of the gland because of Tuberculosis. b. destruction of hormone secreting cells in adrenal cortex by malignant tissues. c. Congenital failure to secrete cortisol. d. Adrenalectomy ( surgical removal of adrenal gland) and failure to take hormone therapy. e. Atrophy of adrenal cortex due to autoimmune disease. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS signs and symptoms develop in addison disease because of deficiency of bo

What is Hypersensitivity | Hypersensitivity reactions | allergen | common allergic conditions

Hypersensitivity reactions- • Allergy means hypersensitivity. • it is defined as abnormal immune response to a chemical or physical agent, that is called allergen. • these are caused by the activity of the immune system detrimental ( tend to cause harm) to the host in response to exposure of the antigens to the immune cells of the body. ✓allergic reactions /     immunological hypersensitivity reactions- • during the first exposure to an allergen, the immune system does not produce any reactions in the body. * Initial exposure or sensitization to the allergen is required for the reactions.  • but subsequent exposure to the allergen causes inflammatory responses. These reactions are called allergic reactions or immunological hypersensitivity reactions. • these reactions may be innate or acquired. • these reactions are mostly mediated by antibodies. In some conditions T-cells are involved. ✓ common symptoms- - sneezing - itching - skin rashes ✓ common allergic cond

Malaria | Plasmodium | female anopheles

MALARIA : • Pathogen : Plasmodium. • Species of plasmodium  1. P. vivax  2. P. malariae  3. P. ovale  4. P. falciparum °Malignant malaria caused by P. falciparum is fatal. •Organs affected : liver, RBC. • Method of transmission: by biting of female anopheles mosquito (vector) • Symptoms :  -high fever and chill,  -fever occurs on every alternate day,  -vomiting. •life cycle of malaria parasite: >  Life cycle of plasmodium starts with inoculation of sporozoites (infective stage) through the bite of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. > The parasite initially multiplied within the liver cells and then attack the red blood cells (RBCs) resulting in their rupture. > There is release of a toxic substance called hemozoin from the ruptured RBCs which responsible for the chill and high fever. >From the infected human the parasite enters into the body of Anopheles mosquito during biting and sucking blood. >  Further development takes place in the

ARDS (Adult respiratory distress syndrome) Hyaline membrane disease

ARDS Also called  - Hyaline membrane disease  - shock lung  - Diffuse alveolar damage  - Acute lung injury General introduction- It occurs due to absence of surfactant in infants that causes collapse of lungs. The deficiency of surfactant increases the susceptibility for bacterial and viral infections. It is characterized by damage to alveolar cells (pneumocytes)type2.  Causes of ARDS Infections,  Physical factors are (Head injury , Smoking, Irritant gases , Drowning. Chemical factors are  Aspirin , Heroin ,Organic solvents. others causes are  Multiple transfusion , Uremia, Pancreatitis, DIC (Disseminated intravascular coagulation). Morphological features of myasthenia gravis - Interstitial and intra alveolar edema with lining of alveoli with hyaline membranes composed of fibrin rich edema fluid and lipid tenants of epithelial cells. Clinical features of myasthenia gravis • Dyspnea (Difficulty in breathing) • Tachypnea (abnormal rapid breathing) • Respiratory f

Myasthenia gravis

Myasthenia   gravis Introduction- an autoimmune disorder of neuromuscular            junction. It is caused due to production of antibodies against the Nm receptors of NMJ that results in a decrease in the number of Nm receptors. It is characterized by grave weakness of the          muscle due to the inability of neuromuscular       junction to transmit impulses from nerve to           the  muscle. It is a serious and sometimes a fatal disease. Causes of myasthenia gravis The main cause is Development of antibodies (IgG) against the receptors of Ach (acetylcholine).  Body develops antibodies against its own Ach receptors. IgG antibodies destroy the receptors. Symptoms of myasthenia gravis  C ommon symptoms   Slow and weak muscular contraction because of the defective neuromuscular activity. Inability to maintain the prolonged contraction of the skeletal muscle. Difficulty in speech due to weakness of muscles of speech.( dysphonia)  Difficulty in swallowing due to w